About HSCI: Mission

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

The Hands-on Science network aim to:

  • Contribute to the generalization innovation and improvement of Science and Science & Technology education at basic vocational training secondary and higher education schools by hands-on experimental investigative practice in the classroom;
  • Bring hands-on active learning of Science into the classroom and into the soul and spirit of the school and making it the core of Science Education;
  • Promote the development of Scientific Literacy at all levels of our Societies.

  • ...Educating for Science and through Science...


II International Congress of STEAM educational experiences

Save the dates: May 28-31, 2025 / Sign up starting Monday, March 17th.


Cairo (Egypt) will host HSCI2025

The 22nd annual international conference on Hands-on Science, HSCI2025, will be held in Cairo, Egypt, from September 21st to 25th, 2025.


Pirenópolis (Goiás, Brazil) will host HSCI2024

The 21th annual international conference on Hands-on Science, HSCI2024, will be held in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil, from September 23th to 27th, 2024.
