StarT Day in S.O.S. Project Schools

We have annual activity plans, lesson plans and experimental studies. Thousands of students make research about these subjects, go to the fields and test water quality. They prepare model ecosystems in their schools and conduct many scientific experiments. They prepare reports, share the results with all project partners. They send letters to each other. Each school prepares dramas, posters, organize exhibitions and many other activities.

This year 74 schools have been involved in S.O.S. Project. We applied to an International Project Competition titled as StarT in Finland. It has been organized by LUMA Centre Finland in cooperation with Helsinki University. S.O.S. Project has been selected by the international jury as nominee for “ Best Practices Education Award” in International Category. And the video proceeded to the public voting.

We need your support at this point and we will be grateful if you could support us by voting our Project and by sharing our call for voting in your circle of teaching and learning communities.

The public voting is on YouTube. Your likes will be considered when the practices of 2018 are chosen by the StarT jury, so your votes by liking our Project on YouTube will support our Project. The voting continues until the 8th of April. Our Project video is registered on YouTube with the link:


Pirenópolis (Goiás, Brazil) will host HSCI2024

The 21th annual international conference on Hands-on Science, HSCI2024, will be held in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil, from September 23th to 27th, 2024.


Contest - "À Descoberta da Luz” (2024)

À Descoberta da LUZ (2024)
